Wednesday, November 30, 2011


I found this story by Tim Walker that is a good reflection on life...thought i would share it.

A Better Story
By Tim Walker

I’ve been reading a book called A Million Miles in a Thousand Years. It’s by one of my favorite writers, Donald Miller. I like it, but this is not a review or a recommendation. I only mention this to make sure you realize that what I am about to say is not my original idea. It’s from the book. In fact, what I am about to say pretty much sums up the theme of the book. The theme is story.

In the book, Miller talks about this concept of story and how we are all living a story. He talks about how his life had gotten mundane, and how even when opportunities to live a different story and improve his own came up, he would often let them pass by. Then one day, he felt like God was telling him to search for his dad, whom he hadn’t seen in years. And this time, instead of ignoring the prospect, he decided to do something about it. He actually tracked his dad down and had an awkward, but good encounter. Following that, he had the opportunity to go to Peru and hike the mountains. And he did it. Then he took a bike ride across the country. He decided to start eating better and exercising more, not for the sake of vanity, but because those were the things he needed to do in order to accomplish the things he wanted to do. He began to realize if he wanted his story to turn out differently, he would have to make intentional changes.

It may seem that Miller, who is in his mid-thirties, is merely taking care of himself or increasing his self-discipline. It’s the kind of thing you hear from someone who publishes one of those diet books or writes a self-help book or shares their story on Oprah. If Don were a little bit older, say my age at 41, some people might even say he’s simply having a midlife crisis.

But there was something more going on there. And after having read Don’s book, there’s something about this idea of story that I can’t seem to shake. I don’t know about you, but my life is, well, routine. Predictable. Maybe even a little monotonous. There are things that I “do” and “don’t do.” For example, every Thursday night I watch “my shows.” I eat the same cereal every morning. I go to bed at the same time every night and get up at the same time every morning. And there are times when I feel like I’ve created some really deep ruts in my life. You know what ruts are, don’t you? Well-worn paths, almost like ditches that you get stuck in. And occasionally, when I allow myself to really think about it, there are times when I feel like my comfort, my desires and my expectations have motivated me to settle for a lesser, smaller story. And the result or lack of result shows up in my everyday life.

It shows up in the ways I interact with my wife. It shows up in the ways I interact with my kids. I’m willing to just live out a very small, very boring story because it all feels very safe just the way it is. And before I know it, the hours and the days seem to fly by. The time between when I get home from work and when I go to bed always seems like a blur. Today feels like yesterday, which feels like the day before, which feels like the day before that.

But what if you and I could be a part of something bigger? What if, instead of letting our stories solely be about who needs to go where and when, what’s for dinner or is my shirt clean, we lived our lives with the intent of becoming part of God’s story? A story that may involve drama, action, tears, even tension.

What if, when we have a little extra cash—a rare thing these days, I know—we don't try to figure out how to make our lives more comfortable, but instead look for a way to use that money and, as a family, work together to make someone else’s life a little better?

What if we reach out to someone who doesn't have a family of his or her own? What if we have that person over for dinner once or twice a month?

What if I find ways to show my sons that life is less about them and more about being a part of what God is doing in the world? What if I give them experiences to help them live out the truths from the Bible?

If I do those things, I would begin to live out the story I want both for my family and for me. I would be making the story I want my boys to be a part of a reality instead of just hoping they arrive someplace “good” someday—as adult children who love God and love others. My life would have more intent, more purpose.

And working towards participating in this kind of story begins with one thing, one action, one step. I don’t need a life makeover. I just need to make some different choices—some choices that reflect the kind of story I want to be a part of. I need to actually do some things instead of just thinking about them. What is one thing in my life that I can change to make my story more interesting, more significant? It may not be hiking in Peru or biking across the country, it may a lot less complicated and start a lot closer to home. But the improvement to my story does have to start somewhere. And right now, it starts here.

I know this isn’t going to be easy. I also know that I may not do this very well. I may have this on my to-do list for a while before I actually do something. But I also know that time is passing by way too quickly, and as much as I hate to admit it, days go by without any distinction. There’s nothing memorable about a week or a month or even a year. And that isn’t the kind of story I want to stay in.

What about you?

This Christmas, as we remember a story that is so amazing, so wonderful and so mind-blowing, we are going to challenge your child to think of the story not just as a history, or even a great story, but as something that has meaning and significance to us today. It’s a story that is still going on.

And it’s a story that plays out in your life and mine. We are given the choice to join in the story. We are given the chance to be part of what God is doing.

So today, wrestle with this question: What can I do to be a part of a better story, God’s story? And how can I lead my family to be a part of it as well?

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Monday, April 11, 2011

It starts when they are young.

There is a growing epidemic of students who grow up in church who are leaving their faith behind when they graduate high school. What can we do about this?

This trend begins long before a young man/woman gets into the teen years. I believe we can do much to prevent this trend, starting even while kids are in the preschool ages. Helping our sons and daughters form spiritual disciplines of reading the Bible, praying, giving, and corporate worship, while they are young will help them fall more in love with the Savior who gave His life for them. How do we do this?

It's not easy. But most things that are worth doing take tremendous effort and persistence. As parents, and as a church, we can help reverse this trend.

As parents, the greatest tool we have in guiding our kids is our own actions. I am sure you notice that your sons/daughters pick up on your habits and mannerisms. They will also pick up on your habit to read the Bible, pray, give, and connect with the Church body. Make sure they see you doing these things.

It's easy to make excuses, or to put other activities or the busyness of life before your relationship with Christ. But if we do this, we train our kids to do the same. And when they are teens, and choose not to come to church or follow in the faith that we tried to instill in them, we wonder why. The training, as hard as it seems, starts when they are young.

So let's do all we can to set the teach them to be obedient to the commands of Christ (as Christ put it). Let's raise up a generation who loves GOD and shows HIM to the world around them.

Saturday, May 15, 2010


OK, this is my first stab at writing a blog, so it may be a little sloppy. But i have had some thoughts lately that i thought i would put out there.

I have been thinking lately about discipleship, and a Christians' call to make disciples. How exactly does that work? What does it look like? Is discipleship simply taking a person through a bible study, teaching them about who God is, and what He expects of His creation? Or is discipleship a 13-week class about parenting, money, marriage, etc? How does one take a person who has just begun to follow Christ, and lead them to be obedient to the commands of Christ?

Bible study definitely plays a crucial role in this process, but i don't think that it is the only tool we use in the discipleship process. I think there are events and circumstances in our lives that serve as catalysts for spiritual growth. They are opportunities for people to see God work in amazing ways, in them and through them. These events and circumstances may push a person to begin to trust in God more because of the unforeseen outcome.

There are some aspects of discipleship that are achieved through the relationships built in these events and circumstances, and in the Bible studies as well. Through these relationships God can teach us many things about Himself, and about ourselves.

So, as one seeks to make disciples, take time to teach the scriptures. But also help believers take steps of faith through events and circumstances, building relationships with people who will push them to be more like Christ.